Ready to transform your health but don't know where to start? I've got your back! Dive into a comprehensive wellness journey with me, focusing on fitness, nutrition, mindset, and managing stress. Together, we'll strike a balance between shedding those pounds and savoring life's joys. It's time for a lifelong change, not just another diet!

I want the deets!

Aloha! I'm Tanya Jo.


As a devoted health and wellness lifestyle coach, my credentials span from being a certified personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist to a kickboxing coach and self-defense instructor. And now, I've added SSR coaching (focused on sleep, stress management, and recovery) to my repertoire. My mission? To empower women to strike the perfect balance between achieving their fitness aspirations and savoring life's joys to the fullest.

More About Me

1:1 Coaching

Want a more personalized approach?

Join my 1:1 program for a completely customized program!

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Budget-Friendly Guides

Dive into my guides and equip yourself with the knowledge to thrive!


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Still on the fence about buying? Start with my complimentary guides — your journey to wellness can begin at no cost!

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A plan for EveryBODY

With Coach Tanya Jo, you're not defined by your past obstacles, but by the potential you hold for the future.

Customized Workouts

Whether you're a beginner or a fitness enthusiast, you're on the right track to building muscle and torching fat. I craft workouts tailored to your unique needs—incorporating strength training, heart-boosting cardio, and emphasizing functional movements for lasting health. No gym access? Don't worry! Achieve great results using just your body weight or at-home workouts!

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Mindset & Stress Management

True wellness extends beyond exercise and diet. Together, we'll explore strategies to navigate life's challenges and overcome limiting habits, ensuring a foundation for lasting success and peace of mind.

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You've likely heard the saying: you can't out-exercise a bad diet. Let me guide you on how to rejuvenate your metabolism, nourish your body, and shed those extra pounds, all while ensuring the process feels manageable and empowering!

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What can you expect from Coaching with Tanya Jo?

Embrace a coaching experience that's all about you, tailor-made to meet your unique needs.

With Tanya Jo, you'll find comprehensive support, from mindset shifts to personalized workouts and nutrition plans — you're taken care of on every front!


Uncover the ways your mindset may be limiting your potential and unleash your true greatness! Remember, your mindset is KEY to reaching your goals!

Diverse Workouts and Form Focus

Experience a tailored app guiding you through correct techniques, adjustments for varying skill levels, and advanced routines. This interactive platform not only provides workout regimens and daily habits (programmed by yours truly) but also enables seamless communication anytime.

Nutrition Guidance

Together, we'll address emotional and intuitive eating, get acquainted with macro tracking, and identify how your current dietary habits may be standing in the way of achieving your goals.

Ready to take action?

Set up a call so we can chat!

  • Heal your metabolism
  • Lose weight
  • Build Strength
  • Burn Fat
  • Recovery
  • Mindset, Mindset, Mindset
  • Stress Management
  • Unlimited love and support from Coach Tanya Jo
Schedule Call Now!

1:1 MEANS 1:1

Rest assured, a truly tailored program awaits you! Step by step, we'll journey together, uncovering potential barriers to your success. This program is designed to instill lasting lifestyle habits for lifelong benefits. Ready to shed those pounds for good? Schedule a call with me today!

"The coaching style and support along with motivation, encouragement and knowledge learned was wonderful."
"I've been learning so much! I love that I don’t feel restricted…learning to eat more during the day instead of saving my calories “just in case” and then not eating enough"
"I am definitely feeling more "food freedom", especially during the family dinner. I love being able to find swaps for some of my favorites so I don't feel deprived!"
"I thought I knew what I was going to get out of the 14 weeks but I ended up gaining so much more. I started this journey knowing that I needed to lose weight and tackle my food obsession. What I didn't know is how much my mindset has contributed to my health issues for the past 20+ years. Like I've learned, I can't fix 20 years of habits in 14 weeks but I am on the right track."


"I improved on a lot of things and lost some weight! I found better form from your advice and observations that helped with my stability. My food choices and mindset to alleviate guilt from less heathy choices helps to move past that moment and continue to focus without slipping completely away from making good choices and progress. I didn’t maintain a consistent fitness schedule, not because I didn’t have a great one laid out and built for me, though!"
"I am so proud of being more intuitive with my eating! I was able to prep, plan and eat what was planned. I had a few small splurges throughout our time but Tanya taught me how to let go of the guilt."

Ready for lasting weight loss? 


Overwhelmed by the challenge of habit change?

Let's conquer it together, with my seasoned guidance supporting you every step of the way!

Schedule Call Now